Reception has been closed.〈募集終了〉~UTSUK…
Monitor Tour with Tour guide.For foreigners onlyFrom the countryside to the sea,indulge in the scenic view of Tohoku`…
Tour of Reborn City from Huge Tsunami …
This tour shows the importance of life and the power of nature though viewing the remains of the tsunami, from explan…
Tour of Japanese traditional culture t…
This tour let you experience Japanese traditional craft culture and active activities, also with the introduction of …
Tour of Reborn City from Huge Tsunami2…
This tour shows the importance of life and the power of nature though viewing the remains of the tsunami, from explan…
Tour of Japanese traditional culture t…
This tour let you experience Japanese traditional culture through active activities such as dance and archery, with t…
Tour of Japanese traditional culture t…
This toour let you experience Japanese traditional craft culture, with the introduction of the story and background o…
Traditional Japanese Architecture Tour…
This tour shows the background and construction methods of traditional Japanese architecture. In addition, you learn …
Modern Art Journey (without lodging)
This tour show you about pop culture and modern arts, and how they connect and reflect the local area. These unique a…
Renovated Architecture Journey with De…
Because of the decreasing birthrate and aging population in Japan, there are many unused schools or old buildings tha…
World Heritage Journey
Visit 2 World Heritage sites (related to the 11th century history of Hiraizumi, and modernization during the Meiji Re…